Energy flexibility is the key challenge for the future energy system. Tech giants such as Google, Apple and Tesla, telecom and energy (solution) providers are positioning themselves in the fight for our living rooms.
In an ambitious collaboration VITO and Energyville invite its key partners to discuss a major innovation platform in this field:
The emergence of new business ecosystems for building energy solutions: Digital energy platforms and their impact in our living rooms and cities.

- How will energy data platforms in the built environment lead to new business eco-systems?
- How are major players, e.g. Google, Apple, telecom and energy (solution) providers positioning themselves in the fight for our living rooms?
- What are the front-runner solutions to propose energy upgrades for existing buildings?
- How can energy data platforms for buildings help cities in achieving their climate targets?
14.00 - 14.40 |
The Glasgow smart cities initiative as a European showcase |
14.40 – 15.05 |
Trends in smart urban energy: new models for empowered citizens |
15.05 – 15.30 |
The Antwerp ‘City of Things” living lab- an enabler for energy and environmental monitoring at city scale |
15.30 – 16.00 |
Coffee & refreshments |
16.00 – 16.30 |
New business ecosystems for building energy solutions: from the living room to the urban environment |
16.30 – 17.00 |
Brede Stroomversnelling NL” as a catalyst for innovative energy solutions in dwellings |
17.00 - 17.30 |
Insights from the telecom sector: how a new Energy Data Cloud can boost economic activity |
18.00 – 21.00 |
Plenary evening session |
Why be there?
- The opportunity to meet with experts: technology solution providers, construction companies, energy service providers, city planners, real estate developers, EnergyVille research partners and many others
- Discuss new initiatives on energy data platforms for building renovation
- Be part of the selected group of VITO and EnergyVille experts building on the energy transition.
- Participate in the exclusive plenary evening sessions of i-SUP2016 where high level keynote speakers will be our guest
Track chair and primary contact

Guy Vekemans
+32 14 335840
+32 473 969400
Track co-chairs

Leen Govaerts