VERAM Raw Materials Vision and Roadmap 2050: 19 October

The VERAM project, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, aims to provide an umbrella and coordination function for the raw materials related research and innovation activities across Europe, in order to produce a common long term vision and roadmap to 2050 for the most relevant raw materials, including metals, industrial minerals, aggregates and wood.

To learn more about the VERAM project, please visit the project website and feel free to explore and contribute towards our recently launched raw materials research portal



Anna Leinonen

Anna Leinonen

Research Scientist
VTT Technical Centre of Finland
Dirk Nelen

Dirk Nelen

Henryk Karas

Henryk Karas

Chairman (2006-2012)
ETP Sustainable Mineral Resources
Johan Elvnert

Johan Elvnert

Managing Director
Forest-based Sector technology Platform
Karl Vrancken

Karl Vrancken

Research Manager
Milan Grohol

Milan Grohol

Policy Officer DG GROW
European Commission

Workshop Programme: 9h00 – 12h30

During the workshop we will discuss the vision for the raw materials sector across value chains, in the world 2050 context, and launch the roadmapping process to realise this vision. You will have ample opportunity to interact and network with key players at the forefront of raw materials research and innovation activities in Europe.

After an introduction by Milan Grohol (European Commission DG GROW), you are invited to interact in moderated discussions on:

  • The raw materials playing field - Dirk Nelen (VITO)/Anna Leinonen (VTT)
  • A vision for raw materials in 2050: Is the 4th Industrial Revolution in the European industry a chance for the raw materials sector? - Henryk Karas (Past President of ETiP SMR and ex KGHM Head of RTD)
  • Creating the raw materials roadmap towards 2030 and 2050 - Johan Elvnert (Forest-based Sector ETP)

The workshop will be moderated by Karl Vrancken (VITO, former KIC EIT RawMaterials COO)

The event will be concluded by representatives from ERA-MIN and WoodWisdom-Net, the European networks that foster trans-national co-operation for raw materials innovation in the minerals & metals and the forest-based value chains, respectively.

To prepare the workshop discussion, we would be grateful if you could answer the VERAM stakeholder consultation to share your future vision for European raw materials R&I. Please fill in the online survey - it takes approximately 10 minutes to reply.

As a workshop participant, you are also kindly invited to the Clash of Ideas on our Circular Future happening the evening before. Info on this absorbing evening with registration link can be found here.

Track chair and primary contact

Peter Vercaemst

Peter Vercaemst

Unit Manager
+32 14 335706
+32 473 780857

Track co-chairs

Jan Meneve

Jan Meneve

Research Co-ordinator
Corina Hebestreit

Corina Hebestreit
